Friday, January 20, 2006

Encounters of the Clementi kind

Clementi is one of the few decent hang out areas left in the western part of singapore. It may just be another heartland, but the variety of FOOD is unrivalled. I was down at clementi for dinner with my roomie after a long and gruelling day in campus. Just wanting to tuck into the huge variety of food available, it was no wonder that my hunger pangs tingled for something sumptous. But even before I got to my destination, a "freak incident" occured on me.

Yeah yeah... My flip-flops came apart.... *crappy slippers*

Left with no choice, I was forced drag "rightie" with me for the entire journey until I managed to find a shoe shop. After an intensive search, I found this guys.

Yeah.... The orange guy was right in saying that. Those brown dudes were trashed together with some cardboard boxes in a dump.

Meantime, dinner was settled, but not without any disturbances. Some eldery couple shared a table with us and they started talking. It all began with....

They went on and on and on and on....
I could only stare at them in shock as they started telling us a fair bit of their situation.
After hearing their tales of how youngsters should take good care of the eldery, there was no doubt that this old couple had been neglected by their kids. I could sense that they were lonely folks that wished someone will be there to listen to their thoughts and opinion when it really matters. After they finished their meal, we bade them farewell as the old couple trodded off slowly with some new year festive goodies in their hands. With Singapore having an ageing population, will this be a serious social problem in the near future? Maybe this chinese new year will be a good time to show care and concern to our elder folks.

After that surprising encounter with the old couple, Zhijian and me decided to pit our skills at the pool table. We ended up at snookerium , which was actually a pool/ arcade centre occupying the space of an old cinema theatre. The pool table was located at the highest point of the premises (probably the back row area of the old theatre) and we had to climb a flight of stairs before reaching the table. There was this old looking sign which caught my attention....

Is it just me or is the message ironic? The words "Locked" and "open" seem to contradict each other. I guess the intention is to keep the door open at all times? But....hmm.... but the door was closed and locked when I took this snap shot. So which is which? *Puzzled*

As we ended the game and made our way back to the hostel, I couldn't help but to take this snapshot. The chinese new year decorations were up in a near by wet market. Ooo... even though it's in a dingy corner of the wet market, and the decor is simple, the decor certainly livens up the mood in the vicinity.

Looks like chinese new year is around the corner! Bring on the "Ang Pows". :P

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