Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Funky Underwear

I was keeping my laundry from the clothes line outside my hostel room when I made an interetsing discovery. Apparently, someone living one/two level(s) above me had accidentally dropped his/her underwear which landed on my clothesline. It was not so much about seeing an underwear drop from the sky but to see a pair of the boxers with cartoons(not too sure whether it was a guy or gal's boxers) It showed a picture of Homer Simpson which screamed;

Take me off !!

(The cartoon is not the same, but I happened to find a similar pose of homer off the net)

. Haha.

Let's all admit it. Underwears have become a fashion statement. Gone were the days where guys would have nothing but white/ off white underwear and girls will have plain beige boring under garments. People are no longer embarressed to show off their underwear. The tag that labelled people who own lots of flashy undies as perverts were a thing of a past. Nobody gives a hoot about laughing off at people's under garments. Remember an era not so long ago where young teenage guys loved to show off their underwear band which had famous brand names like "Calvin Klein" or "Armani". Girls of today show off their fashionable bra straps without a second thought.

I was reading a back dated issue of FHM where I saw advertisements on guy/gal underwear being marketed as hip and cool. The lingerie business is huge , and the male underwear sector is rapidly grabbing a fair share. People of today embrace fashion, branding and more importantly, comfort. Luxury undergarments cost a bomb. Somehow, I have yet to comprehend the logic of less fabric = more expensive. Is there a rational for it?

Eitherway, it's time to throw your cheap 3 for $10 grandpa/grandma undies away yeah? It's all about you. Do you know that your type of underwear reflects your personality?

This is what some dumb quiz said about me. Surprisingly true.

What Your Underwear Says About You

It's important that your underwear doesn't offend anyone - in case you get in a car accident.

You're the type of guy who lets his girlfriend pick out his underwear.
The Underwear Oracle

How about you? Haha

PS- If you decide to purchase a pair/ pairs of funky undies, please keep an eye on them while drying your laundry (esp if you live in hostel). Underwear thieves are unfortunately always on the prowl. You wouldn't want to lose that funky pair do ya?

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